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Senior Researcher


Behavioral Scientist


Postdoctoral Research Associate

National University Singapore 


Eugene is a postdoctoral researcher at the National University Singapore. He holds a Ph.D. in Behavioral Science from the Warwick Business School (WBS) and worked in partnership with Which? - The UK Consumer Rights Association.


Eugene’s main research motivation is situated at the intersection between emotion and interpersonal decision-making. He investigates the cognitive, motivational, and social properties of discrete emotions in individual and joint decision-making. He uses mixed methodologies, such as systematic reviews and experiments, to advance theoretical knowledge.


He is currently focusing on the shared decision making paradigm, a collaborative process in which a technical expert (e.g., doctor, consultant) and individual with knowledge over preferences and values (e.g., patient, client) come together to make an informed, person-centered decision. On this theme, his 2017 Academy of Management Conference paper was awarded the Healthcare Management Division’s Best International Paper and was nominated for the Carolyn B. Dexter Award.


Over the years, Eugene gained experience in organizing and teaching “Emotions in Business.” Using a mixture of recent controversies and case studies, Eugene debates and encourages students to reflect on their own experiences to draw connections between theory and practice.


Eugene was awarded an M.Sc. in Management Sciences (Decision Sciences) from the London School of Economics and Political Science, with a Best Performance Award, and graduated with First Class Honors, obtaining a B.Sc. in Management and Marketing from the University of Newcastle.  He also previously worked with the Behavioral Insights Team in Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) authority for a short time.



Warwick University

Warwick Business School

Ph.D., Behavioral Science (exp. 2019)


London School of Economics

M.Sc., Decision Science


University of Newcastle
B.Sc., Management and Marketing



Tay, E. Y. J., Massaro, S., & Vlaev, I. (2017). Towards a Behavioral Model of Shared Decision Making. In: G. Atinc (Ed.), Academy of Management Global Proceedings (Vol. 1, 13986). Atlanta: Academy of Management.


Tay, E. Y. J., & Massaro, S. (2018). Planning and Shared Decision Making in Elderly Care. PsyArxiv Preprint

Massaro, S., Tay. E. Y. J., & Latini, E. (2019). Mouse-Tracking.

[Under Review]

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