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Behavioral Scientist


Alina is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Behavioral Science at the Department of Psychology at Warwick University, where she obtained her Ph.D.


During her undergraduate studies in Neuroscience, she undertook a year-long internship in Behavioral Neuroscience.  Afterwards, Alina decided to pursue a Ph.D. in the field of Behavioral Science.


Her current research focuses on social influence in decision-making. Specifically, Alina examines how information obtained from other people, and the identity of those delivering information, affect individual decision-making, attitudes, and behavior. Alina has been focusing on the innovative idea that people may have differing opinions about information due to the social source delivering it, not because of the content itself.


Alina leads the Warwick Behavioral Insights Team - Nudge Unit, helping to develop “nudges,” as well as conducting trials to increase sustainability and reduce environmental waste. She has been involved in the “Leading Integrity” project that resulted in the published chapter, Ethics in Organizations Adopting Technology.


Alina also works as a teaching assistant and lectures on Research Methods.



University of Warwick

Department of Psychology

Ph.D., Behavioral Science


University of Nottingham
B.Sc., Neuroscience



Michael, J., Gutoreva, A., Lee H. M., [...], & Ludvig, E. A. (2019). Decision-makers Use Social Information To Update Their Preferences—but Choose for Others as They Do for Themselves. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (forthcoming).


Gutoreva A. (2018). What is the role of technology in ethical practices in organisations? In: Leading Integrity Towards an Organisational Ethics. Coventry: Warwick University Press.

Gutoreva, A., & Massaro, S. (2019). Identity Alignment and Social Sources.
[In Preparation]

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